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Identifying the Gaps that Remain

As an organization, it’s hard to believe that it’s only been 8 short months since we began our journey to identify gaps in care for those experiencing Domestic Violence and to provide a space that not only looked “different” but allowed true community collaboration to take place as well. 

While the original thought process of the work we would be doing, looks vastly different today than in August, we continue to be open to truly slowing down, listening, and adjusting to align community resources, our skill-sets, and advocacy to the true gaps that we identify. We would love to introduce you to the latest initiative we are working on and invite you to truly step into it and join us in this work. 

The She’s Safe Here- Now Project is one of the most unexpected elements of our organization, and is by far the most challenging and unfamiliar. The words and heart of this project is most authentically captured by the community volunteer that did all of the major repair on our very first home, Bobby shares:

"This house was a good challenge but it really started to humble me the more hours I worked and uncovered. The interior of this place really did tell a story. A story that was hiding in plain sight but I didn't even notice until I really stopped to look. A story that no one deserves and no child should ever go through."

Meet The She’s Safe Here: Now Project

What it is: 3-4x per year coordinating a large-scope physical project for a Styled with Strength Client that is actively engaged in our community and programming services. 

Potential Large-Scope Projects: 

  • Helping to repair the family home after an abuser has left and is no longer able to be present at the location. 

  • Preparing a home for sale if the family cannot stay in the current location & the Styled with Strength Client is the sole owner who will benefit from the sale. 

  • Aligning key physical resources &  experts within our community and connecting them with clients through Styled with Strength to volunteer & support tangibly. 

Lastly, due to the nature of Domestic Violence, there are often situations in which a survivor may need support packing and moving her family during the execution of her safety plan. 

  • Packing and Moving: 

  • Supporting a client to organize and prepare for an upcoming transition 

  • Creating a safe opportunity to navigate grief by providing volunteers who are DV survivors to hold space during the process of packing. 

  • Moving Day Support

  • Helping provide a truck and/or trailer to utilize with the SWS Team and Volunteers on a planned moving day

  • Willingness to be on the crisis/ imminent danger moving team to be notified when an unexpected and strategic relocation is being planned 

Intentional Elements of our Strategy: 

  1. Project Coordination 

  2. Our clients are often working full-time jobs and are also the sole parents providing care to their families, we hope to take elements of their physical project, make the phone calls, coordinate the team, and leave an impact that truly allows her to not only begin the healing process but maintain day to day life. 

  3. Strong & Healthy Male Support Systems in the Community 

  4. We have children within our SWS family who often have not had a positive and safe male figure in their lives, whether they are 5 or 15. Aligning safe and kind male volunteers to mentor and equip our SWS kids during project days, allows a unique opportunity to build relationships & shift the future for our kids. 

  5. Survivor Connection & Healing Opportunity 

  6. The women & children within our SWS Family are often the first to volunteer and want to give back to one another, during these coordinated volunteer times- Current SWS clients are often serving alongside community members on behalf of another sister in healing. 

COMING SOON: Intentional community service coordinated with the local non-profit R.E.S.T.O.R.E. to provide strategic opportunities for those who have been charged with Domestic Violence to help repair and provide service to a home that has been directly impacted by it. 

Notes about this partnership: 

  • Offender service days will be independent of all other project days and closed to the public 

  • Education and supervision by SWS & R.E.S.T.O.R.E. staff will be on-site 

  • We will continue to advocate to the East Central District Judicial Court to increase specific DV community service sentencing to those charged with Domestic Violence and Assault crimes within Cass County.

We need your help! 

If you are interested in supporting this element of the Styled with Strength team- please let us know! You are not required to be a professional painter, trained wood-smith, or project manager of major construction projects! We are currently utilizing YouTube to teach ourselves how to patch nail holes (so trust us, there is a space for you!) 

We have created a Volunteer Interest Form to get started: 

Completing this survey will allow us to notify you of upcoming projects and potential needs for Styled with Strength families as they arise. (We promise we won’t pester you!) 

Help us close out the first project! THIS WEEKEND!

Please e-mail our Volunteer & Special Events Coordinator Brittany, if you can help!  Please include the tentative days/times that you can support and who will be joining you! (Kids are more than welcome with adult supervision!) 

Even if it’s just popping in for a couple of hours, we would love your help! 

Project Schedule This Weekend: 

Saturday, March 23rd 2024 

Project Hours: 11 am-4 pm 

Sunday: March 24th 2024

Project Hours: 11 am-4 pm 

Monday: March 25th 2024

Project Hours: 5 pm-10 pm



2920 Sheyenne Street Suite 107

West Fargo, ND 58078

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